UK imports less but more expensive wine.

UK imports less but more expensive wine
In 2017 UK imported 2.4% less wine, spending 5.6% more British pounds. General trend shows more litres of bulk wine while less bottled wine becomes more expensive. New category of bag-in-box demonstrates limited relevance in UK wine imports.
Sparkling wine shows small growth rates in value, losing volume, whereas semi-sparkling wine grows in GBP and litres.
France and Italy strongest suppliers in terms of value of bottled wine, Spain in third place with 197.4 million GBP (+7.4%). Bordeaux recovers part of its lost space in UK wine imports.
The detailed report includes data of wine imports in the United Kingdom from 2000 until 2017, analysing types of wines (fortified wine, sparkling wine, semi-sparkling wine, bottled wine, bag-in-box and bulk wine over 2 litres), countries of origin as well as appellations, by colours (red and rosé wine vs. white wine), in value (GBP), volume and average price. Furthermore, the report gives an answer to the question if the referendum on European Union membership (BREXIT) of June 2016 has affected the UK wine imports and if it will in the coming years.
Date of publication: March 19, 2018.
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