Wine Consumer Report - GERMANY 2018/19

Interesante estudio sobre el consumo de vino en Alemania


'The Institute of Wine and Beverage Business Research at the Geisenheim University deals intensively with "German wine drinkers" and "the German wine market". In order to collect reliable data on these topics, face-to-face representative surveys with 2,000 consumers have been conducted at regular intervals for 12 years. The results of previous studies have been published in various forms: scientific and practice-oriented papers, presentation, lectures and books. Starting this year, a summary of the 2018 results in the form of a 68-page final report will be available free of charge on the website of the Professorship of Market Research.

With the Geisenheim Wine Consumer Report we have developed an instrument which is unique due to its topicality, comprehensiveness and presentation of the results. In addition to the preferences, purchasing and consumption behavior of German wine drinkers, questions such as the use of sales channels and the economic importance of subgroups (women vs. men, younger vs. older generations, etc.) are also analysed. Furthermore, special topics such as use of social media channels, the characterization of wine drinkers and non-wine drinkers are investigated.  We hope you enjoy reading and discovering and look forward to sharing the results of the 2020 survey with you in the same way'.

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