Presentación OeMv: "Key Elements of International Trade for Bulk Wines and the Role of Spain"

Presentación realizada durante la Montpellier Vine & Wine Sciences, que ha tenido lugar el 23 de febrero de 2023


The Spanish Observatory of Wine Markets (OeMv) has made a presentation on February 23rd at the Montpellier Vine & Wine Sciences programme on the recent evolution of bulk wine markets and the role of Spain. The importance of bulk wine in international trade and its better recent evolution as compared to bottled wines have been addressed showing that the size of different harvest in different countries affect bulk even more than consumption trends and commercial problems. As mentioned in earlier presentations, the analysis of top sellers and top buyers of bulk wines show at least two completely different markets: premium wines shipped in bulk to be bottled at final destinations as opposed to much cheaper wines, also in bulk, traded among producing countries. The analysis of who sells what type of wine to which country of destination and at what average prices gives a clear picture of these different subcategories of bulk wines, with two completely different potential evolutions in the future: the former – bulk shipments to final destinations – potentially rising due to both environmental arguments as well as economic efficiency, while the latter – bulk sales among wine producers – tending to decrease in the future as long as suppliers – mainly Spain – finds new and more profitable markets (as Italy already did). 

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