Bulk wine increases its market share in total wine trade by 3.7 points since 2000, against bottled wines

Bulk wine increases its market share in total wine trade by 3.7 points since 2000, against bottled wines
  • Spain, Italy, and France remain the top 3 exporters in bulk wine in 2014 as com-pared to year end in 2000 with combined exports valued at 1.198 billion euro and Spain emphasizing bulk exports, with Italy and France focusing on wines that add more value.
  • ¨New producers¨, Chile and Australia, have largely increased their exports in bulk to final consumption markets such as the US and the UK, while South African bulk and BiB wine goes primarily to Germany and the UK.
  • At the close of 2014 Germany reportedly imported the most bulk wine valued at 522.85 million euro (+122.2%) and 887.27 million liters (+74.7%).
This report exposes worldwide bulk wine trade flows, gives detailed analysis of top epxorters and importers. It includes analysis in terms of value (€), volume (liters) and average price (€/l.).

Date of publication: July 21, 2015.
File format: PDF (24 pages).

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